Most Important Prayer

Most Inportant Prayer

Night time prayers… The most important prayer!
We are incomprehensibly protected. Thanking God everyday.

“May our Father’s will be done and may His loyal angels protect our dreams, mind, conscious, subconscious and soul. May His holy spirit fill our hearts, quench our worries and shield our thoughts. And the powerful blood of our Redeemer, cover our bodies, bed, room, house, communities, country and world. We rebuke, cancel and do not accept, any curse, ill will, trail, magnet, representative or spirits of death, confusion, illness or destruction, attracted, exposed to or sent our way. And may our birth right, light, courage, attributes, purpose, focus and joy, manifest to us clearly and continuously with the sunrise of each new day. Be blessed my soul. Be glad my heart. We are now one day closer to their reigning and long awaited, luminous will. In the name of the most loyal son, our king and savior, Jesus Emmanuel”. ~

With all the good will and love my heart could express, Elizabeth Barrera


Celebrated and Loved

Celebrated versus Tolerated

Original FB post… 06/2012

Thoughts of Empowerment & Gratitude R w/ me. Thank U 2 all who me, ‘AS IS’ :”) U back! The rest of u > Nothing  for you here, other than hoping u find peace. The following is not usually on my mind, praise God, since it no longer hurts. Yet, enough! Real talk, 4 those who can’t & from myself. Do you realize that words do kill? I’ve seen many loose the battle because of it. Yes, we are to 4 Give ( give away- in Hebrew) Matt. 6:14 – 14, 15; “If you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. Wiser, learning from exp & civil if we have to, most of all staying ‘light’ by 4 Giving. 4 Freedom, 4 Health, 4 Him! In addition, choosing to keep those who: judge, gossip, justify, manipulate, opinion-ate, question, lecture, envy, instigate or attempt to destroy in hush voices, greedily devouring their plate & someone else’s, ridiculing names & sending curses.. Long distance & very far. Might get away w/ guilt trips, lies, 2-faced friendships; Armed w/ out of context compilations, theories, hearsay & assumptions. Might even get it ‘right’ a couple times, a pat on the back, superior complex, or even mockery groupies to no end… Contaminating names as u go, which is murdering u well know. We all have ‘dirty laundry’ & need forgiveness… All.

And yes, bad things do happen to good people & each life is not someone else’s, but their own to live. Did you realize, that millions die because of words (or lack of up building ones) ? I do not claim anything 4 myself, am / was as imperfect as they came. Yet, got tired of receiving crumbs, when feasts abound. Try it, go / be where you are loved & celebrated instead of just tolerated! Blessed, stronger & striving, 2 let faith, joy & light come through, w/ God’s seal of more each day. Only here by daily supernatural peace from above. 4 His glory & completely by their grace. We’re all on the same boat & on borrowed time. What do you say.. Time 2 ascend & comprehend. Why not just have a heart & a little self-control. Thankful 2 be a walking miracle ~ Now it is about looking up and forward, in faith & with ease and health.

Great to sqeeze out poisoned darts / vibes, as I understand, ‘see’, and appreciate I am more than able to clean house & shake it off. Releasing it all at His feet & finally not picking back up. Detox time, returning 2 sender.. I’m done. No more idolatry &/or worshiping sideways, only Up. The old Ellie is gone. Recycling best wishes, respect, & the good kind of Thank God, He is d God! And light, justice & good will, always win. Feel free to share. It is all good & better than ok. Thanking God & those who love me, 4 me! Free at last. Yipee!!!


Don’t Believe In Angels? I Would!


Some of us have gone to hell and come back; Knowing of and seeing this ‘unseen’ world, while most don’t. Even though low budget and limited regarding the majesty of this realm; Could tell you 99.9% of this movie IS true and because of all the ‘confirmations’; I cried. I’ve seen the sky full of them without even a cloud in sight, some as big as airplanes and with such massive and muscled bodies; In total gratitude we are able to be and choose sides. Many with no wings and of earth tone colors. We could only request, see or be protected by them; If their following assignments or God’s command. Could only speak of what I have lived… Since we are gifted with free will, they could only come if prayed for and if to the benefit of God’s purpose and to the grander scheme of His son. Soon all will know and see, how incomprehensibly loved and protected we have been.

Angels are real. And if up to God’s enemies, none of us would be around. Having been close to death a few times thought my life (the last ones being breast and colon cancer), will with all assurance urge you, to prepare your household for what’s already happening and soon to come. Let the bible and holy spirit train and make you comprehend, so we are by God’s mercy found on the winning team. Currently it is unpopular, hard to understand (understandably so) or imagine… Take it from me. It is bigger and more intense, than this or any other movie could project! None of the injustices, chaos, or human crimes, cruelty, domination or pettiness; Are gonna matter or stand. Then, real judgement will hit the land. Wishing us courage, clarity and authority, as we do our best, to stay close in the embrace of His grace. And pray that if you ever come close to experiencing anything like this; You connect your heart and faith to your maker, the only who has the way out or last say. Above all, do not forget to breath! Seriously. No one could help or save you, when & if you come across this dimension. This one is an illusion, full of smoke and mirrors and in many ways for now, a better and easier way to live.


So close your eyes for a bit, and go ahead if you have to, let your knees fall hard; And thank your loyal guardian angels and the ONE who sends them around your loved ones and you.. Believe. Breathe.. Romans 8:38 “And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow–not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love” – So if you don’t have one; get a bible and separate quality time to thank and learn in gratitude, by Jesus feet =’) Divination Usually do not recommend movies, etc.. But this might just be, a matter of life. Wishing us all richness, in what matters most: Purpose & Peace. – Blessed Ellie (Barrera). GB

I have seen angels and situations as both pictures and scenes… Pray.